If you have never run Body Shop, you can find a shortcut to it under Start - Program Files - EA Games - The Sims 2 (or your newest EP) - The Sims 2 Body Shop.Body Shop is a Maxis-made program - it comes with your game and is already installed if you have the game installed. Do the same thing with the SavedSims folder - cut and paste it to your Desktop.ģ.There should now be no folder called Downloads in your The Sims 2 folder. CUT (or CTRL-X) your Downloads folder and PASTE (or CTRL-V) your Downloads folder to your computer's Desktop. If you have Windows Vista, the The Sims 2 folder is: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Ģ.If you are using Windows XP (most common) your The Sims 2 folder is: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\.In fact, this trick often works when you cannot get your custom objects showing up with a new expansion install. This trick has absolutely nothing to do with whether the content not showing up is sim/Body Shop related. It is especially useful if you have just installed a new Expansion Pack or Stuff Pack and content that was working before you installed now won't show up. Then just mark all the files, right click and select show in folder.This handy little trick often helps when the game isn't recognizing custom content that should be working. Click the CC button, and you’ll see all of the cc your sims are wearing. Here you’ll see all your sims, builds and houses from the gallery, but you’re gonna want to focus on the household you just saved. When you’re done, save your sim in the gallery and then close the sims. (TIP: Remove ex the swimwear tag too see all your cc, and then add the custom content tag to ONLY see cc)

Then, it’s time to find all of the broken CC! Put all the things you don’t want on the sim, make multiple outfits if you have a lot. So stick to the base game hair, clothing and stuff like that. You need to make sure it’s completely naked, no hair, no shoes, no clothing, otherwise you might accidentally delete it as you delete the broken CC files. When you’re done installing, you have to open the sims 4 and create a new sim. You just press the download button, unzip it and open the installation program.